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Male - Neutered
Africanis mix
Age - 4 years old
Dogs - Good
Cats - Good
Children - Need to be over the age of 12

Personality - Bentley is a really sweet dog and a much loved member of the family. He can be nervous ititially but once properly introduced is very good with people he meets. He is a loyal dog with good recall. He has no problem with being left on his own for an hour or so. He is an absolute treasure in the home and can be quite excitable on walks.

Suitable Home - Bentley will need experienced owners that are able to give him confidence and reassurance and lots of fun training on his walks. Ideally a compatible companion dog but if he is homed as an only dog, he will need intense socialisation exercises. He will need two substantial and interesting walks each day; a large garden and owners that can be at home with him the majority of the time. Ideally a quiet, rural settling for him if possible.

Additional information - Bentley is neutered and vaccinated.

If you would like to apply, please complete an application form and supply as much information as possible.​

Adoption fee and home-check apply

Please note: Holbrook have a kennel free environment and viewings are by appointment only.

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